Monday, April 14, 2008


BLOG POSTING - To post within this Team Blog please contact Keely Pierce or any of the other Contributors by email so that your "Contributors" account can be activated. If you can't figure out how to post or don't want to learn you can also email what you want posted and photos and she can do it for you.

BLOG ARCHIVES - Make sure you visit the Archives for more posts and make the blog load quickly for those that have 56K modem dial-up we had to shorten the load time by making use of the archive features.

CONTRIBUTORS - Read how to add and invite additional '93 Alumni Team Members to participate by clicking here. As the blog site gets larger we need to make sure that I still obtain, by email, each members physical mailing address, email, and phone number(s) so that we can make sure they can be easily contacted for the 2008 Summer Reunion. Thanks for making this Team Blog successful...

Keely Pierce

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