Saturday, April 5, 2008

Fun Stuff,

It has been fun to read what everyone has been up to. As for me, I'm still living in Tooele having a pretty good time. I an undertaker at Tate Mortuary. I love my Job but it doesn't let me get home nearly as my much as I'ld like. I'm married to the former Millie Dangerfield from Holladay (No Relation to Rodney) We are lucky enough to have the cutest girl in the world for a daughter (McKenzie.) She is gonna turn 3 this summer. She definatly keeps on our toes. I'm kind of like Casey totally impressed that some of our classmates have so many kids. I see my brother with his basketball team with one for the bench and just see a headache. Over all life is great. I don't have any super news worthy happenings going on. I hope to see you all this summer.

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