Monday, April 14, 2008

Wow! Can you believe how the time has flown by! This year is our 15th Class Reunion..sheesh we are getting OLD! Kelly (Johnson) Carter is in charge of the reunion so please contact her at or email me at if you have the contact info (preferably email address) of any classmates from the South Sevier class of 1993.

Looking forward to finding and reconnecting with all of you!

Keely (Tolman) Pierce

Official Class Search List - Who Can You Find?

SSHS Class of '93 (I don't have a yearbook for 1993 so I used our junior year. If someone does have the updated 1993 graduate list please let me know)

Dan Airsman
Kauna Anders
Gayle Ashley
Christy (Baer) Nichols
Matt Bacon
Ryan Balch
Willie Barnson
Paul Baxter
Richard Benson
Jason Borg
Bobbi Jo Brimhall
Lisa Brown
Evonne (Brazell) VanDrimmelen
Christy (Brown) Engar
Wendy (Carter) Harris
Tracy (Cartwright) Christensen
Bobbi Caruso
David Cash
Joy (Chamberlain) Hartman
Murphy Chief
Amie Christensen
Casey Christensen
Cody Christensen
Ryan Christensen
Diana (Cupp) Jensen
Valerie Dee
Jeanette (Dexter) Lowe
Julie Dexter
Heather (Dopp) Demine
Katherine (Dudley) Nielson
Mitchell Ence
Ann (Farnsworth) Thornley
Sarah (Florang) Sorenson
Melisa Fisher
Lisa Foreman
Trina (Franks) Smith
Traci Gadd
Cindi (Gale) Jensen
David Garcia
Chris Gentry
James Gilchrist
Vickie (George) Patsantaras
Justin Gleave
Jean Hammond
Carla (Hansen) Bethany
Casey Hansen
Tracy Hansen
Scott Hyatt
Dave Jackman
Chuck Jensen
Kent Johns
Brady Johnson
Bryan Johnson
Kelly (Johnson) Carter
Heidi (Johnston) Facer
Megan (Jolley) Knaphus
Gina (Jones) Bradshaw
Holly Jones
Giani Julander
Russell Julander
Jodi (Kendrick) Oldroyd
LoriJean (Kurley) Chief
Laramie Leavitt
Thomas Leavitt
Sheila (Lundgreen) Scott
Troy Madsen
Steven Magleby
Mildred (Massey) Lee
Casey McClellan
Matt Mclean

Joe Meanea
Leanne (Mynar) Eccles
Ryan Nay
Jerriah Nichols
Chris Nielson
Marcie (Nielson) Worley
Darren Obray
Moses Oppenhien
Shelly(Parsons) Adams
Clark Peterson
Jared Peterson
Lance Peterson
Patricia (Player) Belnap
Greg Rainey
Matthew Sattley
Ami (Schoemig) Hunsaker
Joel Sharp
Richard Shepard
Heather (Shipp) Yergensen
Millie Smallcanyon
Brady Smith
Lucas Smith
Kami Sondrup
Cory Sorensen
Toni Sorenson
Tiffany (Stewart) Parker
Marcelle Storey
Michelle (Strickland) Anderson
Jason Talley
Josh Tanner
Ben Taylor
Hyrum Taylor
Trina (Tobler) Dickinson
Keely (Tolman) Pierce
Jason Tong
Bodie Topham
Shane Topham
Ryan Togerson
Joe Turner (deceased)
David Uruneula
Jessica (Van Dyke) Hansen
Nikki Wallace
Jessie Watrous
Kira (Wilcox) Webb
Kristi (Wilkinson) Christiansen
Erin Winget

Click on underlined names to go directly to their post.

Red Located Classmate (email and mailing address)
Green Located Classmate (mailing address only)


BLOG POSTING - To post within this Team Blog please contact Keely Pierce or any of the other Contributors by email so that your "Contributors" account can be activated. If you can't figure out how to post or don't want to learn you can also email what you want posted and photos and she can do it for you.

BLOG ARCHIVES - Make sure you visit the Archives for more posts and make the blog load quickly for those that have 56K modem dial-up we had to shorten the load time by making use of the archive features.

CONTRIBUTORS - Read how to add and invite additional '93 Alumni Team Members to participate by clicking here. As the blog site gets larger we need to make sure that I still obtain, by email, each members physical mailing address, email, and phone number(s) so that we can make sure they can be easily contacted for the 2008 Summer Reunion. Thanks for making this Team Blog successful...

Keely Pierce

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Kristi Christiansen (Wilkinson)

Hi to everyone! This blog was a great idea - I'm loooking forward to catching up with all of you. We have lived in Springville for the past 4 1/2 years. I work at Squire, an accounting firm in Orem. I really love what I do and the people I work with. This summer a group of us from work are running the Wasatch Back Relay from Logan to Park City. We have 4 kids. They keep us very busy with sports. The girls play volleyball 4 days a week from Dec to June so I'm looking forward to baseball season so I can be outside instead of in a gym! Unfortunately, I don't have any cheerleaders!! For the past 13 years, our lives have revolved around football. This is the first year since we've been married that Clint is not coaching. We are trying to get used to having him around. Cassidy is 15, Chase 12, Kilee 11, and Kambree 8. We love living close to lakes and mountians. We can spend the summers wakeboarding and the winters snowboarding.
See you all in July!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Ami (Schoemig) Hunsaker

It has been so fun to read about everyone and see your families. Lance and I are living in Riverton, Utah. We have two children, Lauren (three) and Clint (one), they are such a joy. I am a stay at home mom and enjoy every minute of it! My husband spent four years coaching football at the University of Utah as well as working on his Masters degree. He finished his degree last May and decided that the many hours that coaching took away from our family wasn't worth it. He is currently partnering with a fellow graduate of SSHS and starting a new business and we are so excited about it. Because my Mom and my sister are still in Monroe I either see or hear about a lot of you. It is fun to see Casey officiating my father-in-laws basketball games. Just make sure not to "T" him up, it isn't good for either one of us. I also have heard that there is a "Cory For Stake President" campaign going on as well. I can't wait to catch up with you all and see your families. See you all this summer!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Fun Stuff,

It has been fun to read what everyone has been up to. As for me, I'm still living in Tooele having a pretty good time. I an undertaker at Tate Mortuary. I love my Job but it doesn't let me get home nearly as my much as I'ld like. I'm married to the former Millie Dangerfield from Holladay (No Relation to Rodney) We are lucky enough to have the cutest girl in the world for a daughter (McKenzie.) She is gonna turn 3 this summer. She definatly keeps on our toes. I'm kind of like Casey totally impressed that some of our classmates have so many kids. I see my brother with his basketball team with one for the bench and just see a headache. Over all life is great. I don't have any super news worthy happenings going on. I hope to see you all this summer.